The Power of Ten Minutes (with my free pilates workout!)

What do you do with a free 10 minutes?

Scroll on the gram? (Guilty) 

A quick clean down of the kitchen? (Guilty)

The next thing on your to do list? (Guilty)

I mean, that to-do list never goes away right? There is always something to do.

It’s interesting because we can always find something to do in those 10 minutes, but not very often do we think ‘oh great, I’ll move my body and get a quick workout in’.

Generally, most of us tend to think…. ‘What good would 10 minutes do anyway?’ I’m barely going to work up a sweat or by the time I’ve got my clothes on and the equipment out, 10 minutes will be done or what’s the point.

Well my friends, there is a point. 

A big point.

10 minutes a day over one year is 60 hours.

ten minutes pilates

60 hours of moving your body that you wouldn’t have done!! 

What the!

Isn’t that cool??


Now maybe you already lift weights a few times a week and you think that’s enough, but what if you added just 10 minutes of stretching to your routine? 

best pilates exercises

Maybe you already run 5 times a week and think that’s enough, but what if you added 10 minutes of core strengthening exercises to your routine.


Maybe you are a couch potato and don’t do a thing, but in the back of your mind you have this idea that you have to commit to a full hour of movement for it to do anything, for it to be worth anything.

Let me remind you- 60 hours a year!! From only 10 minutes a day. 

I know how hard 10 minutes a day is to come by though, oh lordy do I know.

When we wear multiple hats, like, Mum, Cook, Cleaner, Partner, Business Owner/Employee, Organiser, Sister, Daughter, Friend, Gardener (the list could go on), it can be hard to find some time for the ‘Me’ hat. 


But what if you didn’t pick up your phone straight after dinner? What if you delegated the next thing on the to do list to someone else in your house? What if, heaven forbid, your kitchen stayed dirty for a little while longer? 

Now all of a sudden you have 10 minutes! 10 minutes to do my free Pilates workout.

5 reasons to give yourself the gift of ten minutes: 

-you will feel better for it.  

-you will show others around you that you prioritise yourself, which teaches them how to do the same.

-when you prioritise yourself you are practicing self care. Self care activities ‘fill up your cup’, and we all know that you can’t pour from an empty cup

-you’ll have more energy to get other things done afterwards 

-doing Pilates requires a mind to muscles connection, aka, you have to focus, this is mindfulness. When we feel more present and in the moment, our worries and stresses won’t bother us as much.

I’ve purposely kept this blog short. Now with your spare time- do my free Pilates workout!

**The use of this video is for educational purposes only. The user of this video, whilst doing so unsupervised by the instructor, acknowledges that he/she does so at their own risk and absolves the instructor from any liability for personal injury sustained by them in the use of this video**