Prop-Er Pilates: to prop or not to prop?

Pilates is a vast beast. 

Some people have been doing it for years and have only experienced one of the 20 reformers that they get to lie down on at their local KX. Some people have been doing Mat Pilates for ever and yet still haven’t heard of Reformers, Cadillacs and Electric Chairs and take one look at them and think ‘oh my goodness, what is this sex slavery dungeon I have just walked into’? 

50 Shades of Grey much?

50 Shades of Grey much?

Both Mat and equipment Pilates can be equally challenging, yet equally restorative and they both provide a whole-body workout. They can both help you work on poor muscle patterns, improve posture, reduce pain points and the potential for injury. 

Sometimes, some people, need a little extra guidance on the Mat work. Guidance in this instance could mean a few things…. such as, support, reducing challenge, increasing challenge, awareness of the body in space or creativity to keep things fresh.   

The Pilates chiball (or overball). But am I working hard or hardly working?

The Pilates chiball (or overball). But am I working hard or hardly working?

This guidance comes in many forms and we call them props, Pilates props. 

Here is a list of a just some that I include in my sessions:




-foam roller








-the wall



-the kitchen bench (for reals! it feels so good, you can check it out here)

The biggest consideration when deciding what and how to use a prop is… what does the body in front of me need? What can I see in this body that is speaking to me and what does the client tell me they feel like that day/week… Tight? Tired? Overworked? Stressed? Creaky? Stiff? Excitable? Pumped? Sore? In pain? If they are more up beat, then perhaps a challenge is calling there name today, if not, then perhaps the class might need to be more modified and restorative. This is all just information gathering for what prop will illicit the best response in their body.

Next question, am I trying to mimic an exercise from the studio (ie, does the exercise come from the equipment) or is the thing I want them to do an exercise that is unrelated to mimicking anything from the equipment. Sometimes there is a time and place for both. 

Here’s an example: Client A wants to walk further and faster without hip pain? They go walking with a social group on the weekend and have lattes and chats afterwards. So it’s not only important that they can rely on their body to get them through this without stopping and without pain, but it’s also important for a sense of connection and mental wellbeing that they get after this experience with friends on the weekend. Although they don’t mention it, I can see that their desk job is giving them a slightly stooped posture with their shoulders rolling in and down. This is not bothering the client as much as the hip right now, but over time poor muscle patterning will bring about uncomfortable ramifications in the form of tight muscles, painful joints, potential for injury. 

In Pilates we never work the body in seperate parts or in isolation from other parts. Sure you might be lifting one leg up and down a bunch of times, but what are your shoulders doing, what about your toes and fingers? It may seem random to mention your finger in a leg lift, but that finger is connected to your arm and your arm is connected to your shoulder and your shoulder is connected to the powerhouse (your centre in Pilates). And now all of a sudden it’s more obvious how that stooped desk posture that is rolling your shoulders in, is impacting what we’re trying to do with the rest of the body. 

Most clients will say they love staring the class this way!

Most clients will say they love staring the class this way!

I might start with the foam roller. There are some great shoulder and upper back release exercises that can be done on the foam roller. Let’s try and minimise the impact those tight shoulders and upper back has on the rest of the body, for the rest of the session. Likely this person will need a thin pillow under their head to alleviate the impact those tight shoulders has on the neck strain and upper back.

Next, let’s get into the Mat work, traditionally it starts with the exercise called The 100’s, which is about warming up the whole body. It’s also about finding and connecting to the centre before introducing other limb work or more challenging shapes from the spine later on in class. Once we know where and how to work from the centre, we can carry that with us throughout the rest of the session. But if client A is not ready for such a challenging start, such as The 100’s, there are plenty of other abdominal variations to explore. 

See how my head is now stacked over my shoulders, this bring the work into the abs without the neck straining.

See how my head is now stacked over my shoulders, this bring the work into the abs without the neck straining.

I particularly love the chi-ball/overball under the spine to leverage clients chest and head up over their breastbone when doing abdominal work. It really takes the whole straining neck thing out of the equation. And man is it a burner on the abs! 

I usually stick more or less to the first 7 exercises of the classical Mat work repertoire, sometimes with props, sometimes without, again it depends on the client and their needs. But those first 7 exercises are a great base to build off. Mastering the basics will always set you up for success.

Because client A is a keen walker, we need to work on their leg /hip/glute strength. When we walk, we need power from our legs to propel forward. So one option is to practice the traditional Leg Spring exercises that usually happens on the Cadillac in a studio with springs attached to the upright poles. However, at home, with props, I use the theraband attached to a door stopper at one end and loops attached at the other end.

Hey presto… Cadillac at home! 

Hey presto… Cadillac at home! 

We might finish off at The Wall for a series of hip release exercises/stretches, to give them more space in the hip joint and more length in the surrounding muscles. The client should enjoy this ending, as the wall gives them a surface to push against and it will help the client feel the immediacy of the release in their tight/painful hip, it’s a great way to end the session and give them something juicy they can remember! 

 I might be biased, but Mat work is the best work. I mean Joseph Pilates  invented the Mat repertoire first, these were the exercises that serve as the foundation for his entire method. Yes the apparatus/equipment and accompanying exercises have a place in the system… of course! But when it comes down to it, the equipment serves as stepping stones, with the ultimate goal of getting the body ready for the Mat exercises. Romana Kryzanowska (one of Joseph Pilates original students) said in an interview with Washington Post in 2003 “The apparatus are good, but the mat work is everything. If you can do the mat work perfectly, you don't need the apparatus. But people love toys.”

The props’ ultimate goal is to get you to an unassisted Mat work (no props) one day. It’s a difficult thing to throw your body weight around in space- especially with control and precision and grace. So until that day, use the prop! And if nothing else, it’s fun!

I’ve built a business out of the Pilates Mat work and props. Recently, this is what one client had to say about the use of a prop in my virtual group Mat class: 

“Loved this class Kirsti especially as my back has been sore. The use of the prop, particularly assisting roll up, meant I could access a lot of the moves I couldn’t the week before (due to pain and the accompanying “weakness” of core muscles that go with that)”.

I’ll also be using props throughout my upcoming Embrace the Change program. It starts on the 15th February and runs for 5 weeks. This Pilates and Nutrition program will help women dealing with the physical, mental and emotional change that menopause brings.

Whether you are at the beginning of this hormonal shift or right in the thick of it, the program aims to give you strategies to manage your aches and pains, your weight and your energy levels + sleep. For more information about this program go here.

Embrace the Change Facebook Header.png

Pilates through the Ages: Why Pilates for Menopause Works

In my 10 years of experience, there is something I have come to realise, Pilates is adaptive. It evolves WITH a person’s needs and FOR a person’s needs. 

When I started my own practice, I was all about the Control Balance Handstand off the side of the Reformer. And not gone lie, I still love to give these a whirl every now and then. But there was a long while there, that my needs were so far from this and I just physically couldn’t do it, nor did I have any interest.
When was this strange time that you didn’t want to flip off reformers you ask?

Pregnancy and postpartum x 2

The hormones that fluctuate to create and sustain life in a human body are immense. Not only is it an emotional, moody, ball-your-eyes-out-at-the-drop-of-a-hat rollercoaster but physically the experience and change to you body, is next level. A woman will produce more estrogen during one pregnancy than throughout her entire life when not pregnant. Progesterone levels also are extraordinarily high during pregnancy. It’s these changes in progesterone, that cause a laxity or loosening of ligaments and joints throughout the body. Loosening ligaments and Advanced Pilates exercises are not always the best of friends. As I found out the painful way. See-ya-Later Control Balance! 

I needed to scale things back, focus on my ever changing body’s needs, a little less upside down work, a little more hip strengthening and low back stretching. Pilates can do this. It can challenge you at your fittest and strongest, it can calm, centre and restore you at times when you need the most support. It’s pretty amazing. 

Pregnancy is a stage where women experience massive amounts of estrogen and progesterone, at the other end of the spectrum, menopause is a stage where there is a rapid decline in these hormones. Just like we scale and modify to meet our changing needs in pregnancy, we need to change and modify to meet our changing needs in menopause.  

Menopause is sometimes called 'the change of life' as it marks the end of a woman's reproductive life. At menopause, ovulation no longer occurs and production of oestrogen and progesterone ceases. The word “menopause” refers to the last or final menstrual period a woman experiences. (

Although many women might find relief in saying good bye to periods, tampons, sanitary pads and wearing those hideous period undies, for most women the rapid decrease in hormones, will mean experiencing some or all of the following symptoms: night sweats, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, weight gain,  forgetfulness, insomnia, anxiety, and headaches.

Menopausal women also experience changes such as, loss of muscle strength, loss of flexibility and joint pain.  These impacts can contribute to musculoskeletal disorders such as osteoporosis. 

Pilates can significantly reduce the impact of menopause because it helps to build strength and increase flexibility and mobility which decreases joint pain. Pilates is low-impact, there’s no lifting heavy weights in the gym, so it’s considered a safe option. Pilates works on core control which helps with dynamic postural balance, as we age, balance and proprioception tend to suffer the most. 

Pilates focuses on how we use the breath to get the most out of the movement. when you can use the Pilates breath to it’s full potential during exercises, breath has the ability to calm your nervous system down, this in turn is a powerful tool in helping reduce anxiety. Simultaneously,  with a calm nervous system you can reduce your cortisol levels and thus making it easier to lose weight (Catriona Harvey-Jenner) and improve the quality of sleep. 

I have been teaching women between the ages of 40-70 for many years now. And these women often describe Pilates as gentle on their body but fierce in its benefits. Knee problems? Back problems? Shoulder problems? No worries, Pilates can accomodate, and in most circumstances improve the muscle imbalances causing these problems. 

Here’s what one client, aged 60 had to say about her Pilates practice:


“I started with Kirsti Pilates To You 5 years ago, aged 55.  I was feeling unfit, stiff, lethargic and tired all the time, classic post-menapausal symptoms.  My diet was relatively healthy, but I was putting on weight and too tired to try and get rid of it. I started doing a mat class with Kirsti once a week, and within a few weeks noticed a difference - it was easier to get up off the floor or from kneeling down and my energy was returning.  Whilst I didn't lose any weight, I stopped gaining weight and that was a big plus.  I was feeling happier and more relaxed.  I have noticed when I go away on holidays that it doesn't take long to lose the fitness I work hard to gain, and the feelings of tiredness and lethargy return.  I really look forward to my class each week.  During the lockdown in Melbourne, I started doing two classes a week via Zoom, instead of one and quickly noticed the improvement that brought - particularly to my mental health and motivation.   I wouldn't miss my Pilates classes for anything!  Kirsti's enthusiasm is contagious and makes each class a lot of fun”.

Lastly don’t forget your nutrition has to change with your changing body. You can’t expect to eat like you did in your 30’s when you’re 60 and still see the same results, but what should you eat?! It all comes down to what will fuel you for energy, work with your slowing digestion system and address hormonal imbalances to limit sleeplessness, aches and pains and headaches. Recently, I wrote a blog on moving and eating where my nutritionist friend, Emma Lynas was my guest blogger on this topic. You can check it out here .

If you are reading this thinking, yes, yes, yes this is me. Then Emma and I’s upcoming ‘Embrace the Change’ program is for you.

Embrace the Change Facebook Header.png

It’s all about encouraging you to embrace the changes in your body by teaching you how to move & eat for strength & vitality on your menopause journey. 

This program aims to:

-improve your strength & posture 

-move more freely and with less pain 

-help you understand how to manage your weight & energy levels 

-enhance your sleep & energy with nutrition

It commences on February 15th for 5 weeks.

Each week includes:

  • 2 live, virtual 45minute Pilates classes (replay available)

  • 1 x nutrition lecture with discussion in private FaceBook group

Maybe you’re not 50 and/or don’t think this relates to you, but what about your Mum, what about your Aunty, your friendly neighbour? Check in with them. Sadly, menopause is not a topic that is shared so freely, but a friendly ear to someone who might be struggling with weight gain/sleeplessness/pain, could actually be just what they need. So please mention this program, you don’t know who might be missing out. 

Any questions about this or the ‘Embrace the Change Program’, please get in touch here. 

There's a First Time for Everything, Including Pilates.

Me reflecting back to my first class back in 2010. Thanks Neeta @neetaphotography for this shot back in 2017.

Me reflecting back to my first class back in 2010. Thanks Neeta @neetaphotography for this shot back in 2017.

I’ll always remember my first Pilates class. Just like my first kiss, it was awkward, weird, I didn’t know what to do with my hands, I held my breath a lot and I couldn’t stop thinking about it afterwards.

I almost didn’t go back after my first class. I mean I loved it yes, but man, the teacher was telling me so much stuff… like, how to squeeze my butt (‘don’t you just clench the living daylight out the top of your legs’!!), pull my stomach in, relax my shoulders (‘it’s not my shoulders that need relaxing lady, it’s my brain that’s fried from all these things I have to think about’), do something with my ribs that I just didn’t quite comprehend how I’m going to move a body part that is made out of bone and then also now she’s trying to tell me how to breathe?! Whoa. 

But, never one to walk away from a challenge, plus the promise of 6 pack abs (the friend from my old work who swore to me that Pilates was the only thing she’d ever done that got her visible abs), I knew I’d be back to conquer this ‘Pilates thing’.

This is most definitely not the first time i did the Stomach Series. But you get the jist of the buuuuurn! Thanks Gemma for this shot last year.

This is most definitely not the first time i did the Stomach Series. But you get the jist of the buuuuurn! Thanks Gemma for this shot last year.

The first time I did the Stomach Series, or the Series Of 5, I knew I was on to a good thing. How can five movements bring about so much delightful torture? I remember thinking, what a waste of years and years, trying to do 300 crunches a night on my bedroom floor as a teenager, thinking that that was the answer to some ‘bikini body’. It’s all about precision of movement. Do it right and quality will trump quantity every. single. time.

Thanks to @wellness_by_norah for this. Nailed it.

Thanks to @wellness_by_norah for this. Nailed it.

The first time I farted in class doing the Rolling Like A Ball exercise I wanted the world to swallow me up, I was so embarrassed. Thankfully my gorgeous teacher didn’t notice, or else she was so used to it and just ignored it. I’m sure it was the latter. Now that I’ve been around Pilates for 10 years, I know that if any exercise is going to make you fart, it’s that one. I’ve lost count of the amount of farts from clients in class I’ve had to ignore myself. Joseph Pilates himself talked about his exercises being like a massage of the internal organs. It meant you were truly working from the inside out. And it’s the inside or the deep stabilisers of our centre that we are particularly concerned with working in Pilates. Now I just tell those clients, ‘hey, no stress, you’re doing it right when a fart escapes’ ;-) 

The perfect AngelinaJolie OhFuck FacePalm Animated GIF for your conversation. Discover and Share the best GIFs on Tenor.

The first time I really connected to my powerhouse (centre/core whatever you want to call it). It was like an Ah Ha moment. The pennie dropped. ‘Oooohhh so this is what it feels like’. How to describe it… like I was zipped up. Supported. Like someone was inside me hugging my organs and muscles. I especially remember, after babies, how much I appreciated the skill of being able to feel like I could physically put back the pieces of the puzzle that were my insides. Childbirth made my insides feel like they were floating around inside me looking for a place to call their home, not connected to anything, just floating aimlessly inside my skin. So weird. Thank F for Pilates with that ol’ chestnut. Who knows where my intestines might have ended up without it. 

The first time I felt the effects of missing a class. I thought Pilates was just a way of keeping fit. When I would miss a week here or miss a couple of classes there, sometimes I would just make up for missing it by going for an extra run or do an extra class at the gym that week. Then I realised, actually, this Pilates thing is keeping me together. When I miss a Pilates class it was making running harder, and I wasn’t recovering from the gym as quick. Hmmmm interesting. 

The first time I realised Pilates was making me a better human. I think this didn’t really occur until after kids. Of course I have known for ages how good exercise makes you feel, the endorphins, the reduction of stress on the brain, mental alertness and all that great stuff. But once you are in the fiery pits of sleep deprivation like you’ve never experienced before, and you would do anything to have 30 minutes of time to yourself without little gritty, grubby hands all over you and 16 cups of coffee is probably bordering on too much, holy hell, do you learn the benefits of moving the body and focusing the mind, it’s all in the mind to muscle baby… centred, purposeful movement is life changing. It reminds you that you can use your mind and body for great things.  (

Love these cheeky monkeys. Pic

Love these cheeky monkeys. Pic

Image from Vivemasblog

Image from Vivemasblog

The first time I realised that Pilates never actually gets any easier. About 6 months after starting Pilates, I thought, why does this not feel any easier? Am I doing it wrong? Well firstly, we are our own worst enemy, nothing like a bit of competition with yourself. Secondly, it’s human nature to look for the negatives, once upon a time it would have saved our skins to be on the lookout for the danger/the negative/ the baddies. Hello, Wooly Mammoth, you can’t catch me, I’m outta here. Fast forward to now and we still hold a negativity bias, basically, humans tend to focus on the negatives over the positives. Back to Pilates, my teacher was always really good at highlighting how far I had come. ‘Remember when you couldn’t roll up off the ground?, remember when you could only do this on the yellow springs and now you’re on the purple springs?, remember when you had to rest between every rep?’…..hmmm yeah, ok , good point, thanks. The trick with Pilates is that as you learn more (eg, see paragraph above about connection to powerhouse, hello AHA moment), you learn how to use the right muscles, sometimes these muscles aren’t used to working so hard, they are now working in conjunction with those more dominant muscles and voila you now have more muscles working, more precision and concentration needed to control said muscles and you will most likely feel that effort in spades! I love @carrie_pages_pilates take on this……”I always compare Pilates to dance and music. With dance and music after a certain point in your training, you're no longer learning new movements or notes but you refining your performance of them. You begin to put the movements or notes together in ways that make them more challenging. You may learn to execute more turns or hold notes longer but the fundamentals remain the same, therefore the process doesn’t get easier you just get better. For me, Pilates is like a dance or symphony that flows from one movement to the next and I love to experience how each workout feels different. I try to perform the movements with more precision and control concentrating on how I can move more effortlessly and focused. I never get bored. If anything I find myself falling more in love with Pilates year after year”. Well said Carrie, well said! 

Screen Shot 2020-08-14 at 1.50.05 pm.png

So there you have it, my firsts with Pilates. I know a lot of my clients have had some of these same thoughts/experiences… perhaps you have? Can you relate? Maybe there was a key ‘first’ for you that I’m missing? I’d love for you to share your experience with Pilates firsts. Maybe, you’re keen to get amongst some classes and start some firsts of your own? I’m currently taking on new clients, virtually for now, because of Rona, beauty of this is, it’s harder to hear you fart through Zoom, so what happens in your lounge room, stays in your lounge room! #winning

DM me on the Gram @kirsti_pilates_plus or shoot me an email